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Student Code of Conduct


Statement of Purpose


At Madeira Park Elementary our purpose is to establish and maintain safe, caring, and orderly learning environments for everyone.


Conduct Expectations


Acceptable Behaviour supports a positive learning environment.


Examples of acceptable student behaviour include but are not limited to:

• participating in all learning experiences to the best of their ability,

• treating people and property in a respectful manner,

• treating everyone fairly,

• using positive words and actions towards students and adults, and

• keeping their hands and feet to themselves.


These behaviours are expectations while students are at school, going to and from school, and while attending any school function at any location.


Unacceptable Behaviour interferes with a positive learning environment.


Examples of unacceptable student behaviour include but are not limited to:

• hitting, kicking, and physical abuse,

• threats, harassment, verbal abuse,

• throwing objects (rocks, sticks, snowballs, etc.).

• damaging or stealing property,

• any efforts to cause harm or discriminate against* another person based on, but not limited to race, religion, gender, physical or intellectual disability, marital or family status, sexual orientation & gender identity or age,

• acts of retaliation against a student who has reported incidents where the code of conduct has been broken.

*The Human Rights Code states: discrimination occurs when someone is treated differently and poorly because of their race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation & gender identity, age, criminal conviction, political belief or lawful source of income.


Dressing for School

Students are encouraged to dress for the weather and to be prepared for emergencies (ex. school bus breakdowns, fire alarms, earthquakes, etc.). This means that coats, hats, gloves and boots are needed for the winter months. Clothing worn at school must be suitable for the school setting. As such it should:

· be neat and clean

· be selected to support students’ activities and comfort (ex. shoes should be safe for physical activity)

· cover bellies, butts, chests, shoulders and backs

· not make reference to sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, gang activity, violent acts, profanity, etc.

· shoes are to be worn at all times for safety and hygiene 

If a student wears an unacceptable item to school, we will seek the simplest, most reasonable solution (ex. have him or her turn a shirt inside-out). If there isn’t a simple solution, parents will be contacted so they may bring a replacement item to school.


Rising Expectations

As students progress through school, they are expected to:

• acquire greater knowledge and understanding about their personal behavior and its impact on others

• learn and use appropriate decisionmaking strategies

• demonstrate increasing selfdiscipline

• take increasing personal responsibility for their actions and learning

• be subject to increasing consequences for inappropriate behaviour



Madeira Park Elementary School officials may have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct. For example:

parents of student offender(s) – in every instance

parents of student victim(s) – in every instance

school district officials – as required by law

police and/or other agencies – as required by law

parents / community members – when deemed to be necessary following district policy.






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